3D Color Changer 4

3D Color Changer 4

3D Color Changer 4



Advanced color selections

With 3D Color Changer you get access to every window element, which is impossible in Display-Appearance. You can customize the look of 3D frames, mouse highlight and much more.


Color Capture

is one of the most exciting 3D Color Changer 4 features. With this feature you can capture color of any single pixel of your desktop. Useful when selecting a desktop background color suitable for your favorite wallpaper.


Color Palette

Get quick access to 40 predefined colors, 31 scheme colors, 31 system scheme colors and more!


Color Copy/Paste

Want desktop to have the exact same color as the menu? Right-click, "Copy", Right-click, "Paste"... Done! Couldn't be easier.


Color Box

Quickly enter color value, hit Enter and done! Something for real RGB freaks!


Improved element list

Thanks to the color squares next to the element name you get a visual hint! Also, when you pick Active/Inactive Window specific element, the preview window will automatically switch mode.


Scheme Load/Save support

makes it easy to store, manage and exchange your schemes over the Internet. Scheme files are extremely small (up to 300 bytes). You can even import color schemes from Desktop Themes!


Scheme Library support

Keep many schemes in one single file! Keep your schemes intact and save wasted disk space: even though scheme rarely exceeds 300 bytes, it will still take up 2KB or more of disk space. Merging into single file eliminates this issue.


Panel system

No more separate dialog windows - integrated 3DCC4 panels make your workspace less crowded.


File Panel

Load/Save/Copy/Delete schemes using integrated Files panel. Couldn't be quicker! And because the panel is always there (unlike the "Open" window) you can browse schemes faster than ever.